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发表于 2010-6-29 09:59:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


: K! B6 C& v8 e, p0 W


+ Q) q4 j6 U" q* p) y6 ]

1、The ffice:smarttags" />laceType w:st="on">TemplelaceType> of laceName w:st="on">EarthlaceName> is located in Dongcheng district Beijing. Emperors went here to worship The Earth or Soil in Ming and Qing Dynasties.fficeffice" />

. @8 ^! B. T) G6 J( p


; M0 a$ Y4 {: j

2、The laceType w:st="on">TemplelaceType> of laceName w:st="on">EarthlaceName> is located in Dongcheng district Beijing. Emperors went to worship earth in Ming and Qing Dynasties.



发表于 2010-7-2 15:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

The pleasure is all mine.

. z8 v% g2 }9 h, A; M5 S" e


8 q, E+ {* S1 l5 r; W! A. h7 E

Please come back more for fun in Old Beijing English Forum.

8 E1 h: ]8 B6 r( G6 l V0 |


6 l4 y6 c4 B. g; w


发表于 2010-6-29 12:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

Neither of them has good translation from the Chinese:

9 M/ ~' n5 Q. H


' a$ a% s/ m9 q+ `3 ?! E* w

1、The Temple of Earth is located in Dongcheng district Beijing. Emperors went here to worship The Earth or Soil in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

& @0 i8 D9 O; O3 |

2、The Temple of Earth is located in Dongcheng district Beijing. Emperors went to worship earth in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

" G9 X: F, P3 }+ p: u1 f( v1 I


" ]- }* c# m+ }! ?! r: d R! L+ o

1) 地坛位于北京东城区,明清两代皇帝都到那里祭拜土地。

4 t3 v% v3 k# S( ^9 v" {7 z1 h; w


( L4 r( D2 v- f% v/ J

a) 这两句的前一句都无大问题,关键是第二句。

5 W* H, X9 G8 j9 {# ?1 `

b)第一个句子翻译本无大问题,但went 是向外的动作,最好跟there搭配 (与come向内搭配here成为一对)。所以并不说明第一句就无问题,但不是什么大问题。

+ H+ v! }: s8 H! B


# b' V p. U0 k

2)第二句的问题比较大些,earth是专有名词,必须大写另带定冠词连用(the Sun, the Moon and the Earth). 第一句里的用法是正确的。

. M- Z9 d0 ?9 b% o6 X. L


- }. o0 t$ X' H! F& i$ P


" u) g' v5 [% M1 @0 d" ]" a


; a4 [* s- @* |$ n5 @: c( t( g

1)The Temple of Earth in Beijing is located in Dongcheng district, where Emperors for both Ming and Qing Dynasties used to go and worship the Earth.

' I, r8 p( S( J

2) Located is the Temple of Earth in Dongcheng district, Beijing, where the Earth used to be the God for Emperors for both Ming and Qing Dynasties to come and worship.

; s- O6 s0 p9 _2 r1 D( C


$ C' m" t* ?: N( J/ ]) A/ T

Only for your reference. (仅供参考)

) Y1 R& |) D6 ]7 S- n


# r% @7 z% r. h6 _) Y% z

(新的英语翻译采用了不同的翻译形式:WHERE引起的非限定定语从句形式;这样就将两个简单句变成了一个复合句式。WHERE是关系副词,也是从句的关联词,所指的都是主句中的THE TEMPLE OF EARTH,文字上也在不改变愿意的基础上稍加修饰,不是那么“中国本土化”的英语了。另外第二句采用了倒装句法,形式更多样化)。

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-30 05:00:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-2-23 00:35:00 | 显示全部楼层

How would U translate these 3 sentences into proper English?

  ) c2 U: G' Y h4 Y8 ~. F' W6 J

How would you translate these 3 sentences below into proper and authentic English. Is there only      one-way traffic to go for it? Let's try them all. 【您能将下边儿这三句话翻译成较合适的英语吗?是不是只有一种翻译的方法呢? 要不要试试看。(另外我前边这几句英语和中文翻译您已经看出点儿什么了?)】

3 u' O( j1 j9 R, V. }* j


. s. ]) s7 M) u8 j( `( K" ^% x


+ E+ q* J* ?+ N" w0 N


+ |' @' @" u' t" t/ t+ X% |6 ~


发表于 2011-2-24 09:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

I will begin with the 1st one (我先起个头吧):

+ E8 i" W6 L8 N" S" H9 i

I know many of you can do it fairly easily without any help from the forum. But the thing I am wondering about is how we can make it sound more English than Chinglish. 我了解很多人可以很容易翻译这个句子而不需要坛子里的任何帮助。而我关心的是怎么让翻译听起来更像英语而没有“国帮腔”的调子。

3 D; A9 X1 b, U: T, s


& @2 o6 H. Y& k) M' r

1. 我不知道为什么我特别想笑

( z1 _4 t F3 f8 i- l5 a


! e8 C" G# H0 F# P' s' D

我们先试着从字面上逐字进行翻译:I do not know why I especially want to laugh.可以说是一字不差,顺序也无问题(考试的话也不会减分)。但从英语语感上,听起来就特别“京帮腔”。或者从一个“本土人”的角度您可能也觉得“不会这么表达”的,所以这就是中国人喜欢套中文的路子进行翻译。其实,根据英语学习的连贯性和慢慢培养起来的“语感”,都会发现为了表达一个意思,可以在不影响原意的基础上,有多重表达方式:

+ s8 N, b" P1 m* l: F- D+ K; d- i- o


9 ^, ]) Q/ f5 \! K

a. I don't know why I want to laugh especially.

: t$ R6 H( }2 j0 A

b. I don't know why I'd like to laugh at this point.

, I( m$ i5 l8 q5 n' l2 V

c. I have no idea why I feel like laughing at the moment.

) r$ }+ C; W7 a2 [& W v/ P

d. I wonder why I feel like laughing right now?

9 E( E. Y7 B) H7 D8 N) e0 |' W


7 _; C5 S0 ~' h9 {9 m

There might be other better expessions for this sentence. But which one is your best choice?And you might want to try others. I do wish we had an English expert here with us.

/ @- E+ S/ {6 p: I/ n1 p, t+ u4 l

也许还有其它更好的表达方式,您更喜欢哪个句子,拿出来晒晒, 同时试试翻译其它的句子。真希望有个英语专家在场。

2 U3 V; F1 S9 O8 \


5 \4 A7 l* ?7 O& E. S! d

Thanks for your time and attention. 感谢您有幸关注此贴。

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