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发表于 2010-8-22 09:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

发晶 hair crystal

- I+ H# m+ u5 T V3 b- T3 u

茶晶 tea crystal

0 Z5 H& i3 T- C/ h- Z" a) e7 G0 Q% }

珊瑚 coral

& H0 j8 J% W# T

湖泊 amber

$ i( A2 N! X0 m4 b

珍珠 pearl

" A* p& e T( u8 p8 [

青金石 lazurite

% p" N5 L; [. q8 {6 y5 J, y

孔雀石 malachite

/ V4 y! k$ h$ F9 i' _

芙蓉石 rose quartz

, w, U5 E$ m" j+ C

寿山石 Shoushan stone

4 T+ O- _5 @ u4 d

田黄石 Tianhuang stone

' L0 ]: c; P0 y# J: O" l

猫眼石 cat's-eye stone

$ W- d: r: T- }! \% u! C

木变石 pertified stone

5 ` M' G* L/ I5 a

璧 Bi, a flat disk having a circular concentric orifice in the center

/ Z) H$ D3 x: o6 Z' t: `" O

琮 Cong, a hollow tube of cylindrical section enclosedby a rectangular body

! ?1 S( W& n, V N

珪 Gui, an enlongated tablet or flat sceptre

' `6 n8 y! K8 u4 B

璋 Zhang, a tablet in the form of half of a pointed Gui

8 }7 V. s0 O! n" C# ~/ C* Z

璜 Huang, a tablet in the form of half a Bi



发表于 2010-9-21 12:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
Finally I remember some of the terminologies of this special area. Thanks for the infomation which might be meeting great future challenges.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-24 20:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
it's my pleasure
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