靳京 发表于 2011-2-2 10:34:00


<p>The Chinese New Year is around the corner again. At new year's eve today, I think about the holiday&nbsp; for so many years as time flies. What changes has it made to all Chinese through years of history and&nbsp;&nbsp; years to come? I might put a little platform here before any announcement is made to talk about what Spring Festival actually means to Chinese in mind in both traditional and/or modern ways.</p>
<p><font size="4">中国新年终于到来了,在除夕的今天,我在思索随着时间的流逝春节对我们的含义。在中国历史的长河中,每一年的春节给中国人带来何等的变化,以后会有什么新的变化?在此我想建立一个小的讨论平台,看看春节从传统角度和现代的观念上,在国人的脑海中究竟意味着什么,意义为何,有多深?</font></p>
<p><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font size="3">To begin with, I put this expression here from one foreigner:</font></p>
<p><font size="3">我把一位老外的话拿出作为开场白吧:</font></p>
<h1 class="title"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" size="3">I do not know why, Chinese spring festive is becoming less and less exciting for me.........</font></h1>
<p class="title"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" size="3">我不知道为什么中国春节对我来说越来越不精彩了。。。。</font></p>
<p class="title"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" size="3"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p class="title"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" size="3">Any comments? 您的高见?</font></p>

弘德皇帝 发表于 2011-2-3 21:49:00

<p>I can't agree more with his opinion!</p>

靳京 发表于 2011-2-5 02:26:00

But why, in <em>your Majesty's </em>opinion?&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;以阁下的意思是说。。。。。

靳京 发表于 2011-2-7 11:01:00

<p>From my current knowledge, people nowadays do not follow the old tradition any more, do they? People have changed as life is getting better day by day. Everyone agrees upon the life every day now is like Spring Festival in the past in terms of food supply and costumes. And of course, many of the old traditional customs are abolished gratually like rules people had to follow from the old to the young for so many&nbsp;&nbsp; years. Therefore, what have been kept alive and what are vanishing, good or bad ones? This will probabaly reflect the true meaning of current Spring Festival and a <em>might-be</em> anwser to the question on the 1st floor.</p>
<p>Your comments?</p>
<p>Enjoy the <em>Powu.</em></p>
<p>以我之见,现今的人们已经不在跟随旧的传统了,不是吗?随着生活一天天的变化,人们都已大为改观。丰富的食物和服饰的供应,人们都同意现在的每一天都像过去过年一样。当然很多老的传统也在不起眼儿中被取消掉了,像多少年来从老人到小孩子的一些节日规矩。那么,哪些被继承下来了或消失了,好的还是坏的规矩?这也许能反映出现在春节的含义来, 也可能展开对1楼问题的答案。</p>

靳京 发表于 2011-2-13 17:20:00

<p>坦诚地说,如今要想享受像过去一样的北京节日气氛已经很难了。只要向周围看去,我们所能见到的只是高层建筑和老吊车们。水泥已经成为现代北京的象征了,而这个却成了改革开放的成果之一。 如果真的想感觉到节日气氛,最好的选择是串走乡下。</p>
<p>That is a good point that people feel much less exicited when the Holiday comes. Because the flavor has been lost from the Old Beijing with Hutong cultures of different kinds. And also, many of the old traditions, to my experience, have been regarded as superstitions while people are becoming more and more&nbsp;educated nowadays. Therefore, old practices have been long gone with the old city. Instead, new things, cultures and even social&nbsp;practices have replaced and/or filled in every corner of the ancient city with not too much old stuff left..... At this point, what does the New Year look like? to name only a few. </p>
<p>节日来了反而没了兴奋劲儿,还真说道点子上了。因为随着不同的胡同文化和老北京的消失,老的味道也随之消亡着。同样,在我看来,许多老的传统已随着人们文化水平的提高而被认为是迷信玩意儿了,所以老行道要还有的话,也随着老城的消失变成文物了。相反的,新事物、新文化甚至新风气代替并溢满原是古老的京城四方,老物件渐渐稀少了。。。这样的话,这年看上去像个什么样儿了? 先谈到此。</p>

弘德皇帝 发表于 2011-2-12 17:05:00

<p>To be frank, it is hard for us to enjoy the Spring Festival in Beijing&nbsp;like before. When looking around us, what we can only see are the skyscrapers and cranes. The concrete has been the symbol of the Modern Beijing. That's one of the results that&nbsp;we get from the "reforming and opening" . If you want to feel the sense of festival, going to the countryside may be a good choice. </p>
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查看完整版本: 从中国新年所能想到的。。。。